#62: Novelist Justine Musk

Listen to the interview by clicking the arrow on the audio player below.

A few weeks ago, when so much of the conversation about work (here and elsewhere) was being dominated by talk of Sheryl Sandberg’s book Lean In, I was introduced to Justine Musk. I was told that her blog tackled similar questionsabout ambition and powerbut from a very different perspective.

By the time we connected for the interview, we had both decided to set aside the Lean In debate, at least for now. Instead, we discussed the specifics of Musk’s own career path: how she came to be a writer, what she writes, how she’s using Pinterest to map out her next book, and what her intentions are for her blog.

About Justine Musk: Justine Musk is a Canadian-born, California-based novelist and blogger. Her first book, an urban fantasy titled Blood Angel, was published in 2005, and the sequel, Lord of Bones, came out in 2008. Musk has also written short stories and a YA (young adult) novel, Uninvited.

On her blog, justinemusk.com, she writes about creativity and other topics. In 2010, she told her (completely fascinating) personal story in this essay for the magazine Marie Claire.

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